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Complete Guide to PRIMAVERA EPPM (Enterprise Project Portfolio Management)

PRIMAVERA EPPM (Enterprise Project Portfolio Management)

Oracle’s Enterprise Project Portfolio Management (EPPM) Solutions enable project-driven organizations to manage programs and projects intelligently. EPPM Solutions provides the project management, communication, and control capabilities needed to manage change successfully and execute projects on schedule, within budget, and to the intended quality and design.

PRIMAVERA EPPM (Enterprise Project Portfolio Management)

  • Projects should be prioritized depending on your organization’s risk tolerance and strategic goals.
    Make the most of your limited resources.

    Improve coordination by cooperating both within and outside of the enterprise.

    Manage large projects with various vendors and subcontractors.

    Increase team productivity and project completion time.

    Bring the right products to market during the right market windows.

    Enhance governance and accountability while adhering to regulatory mandates.

    Manage high-intensity, short-term activities like shutdowns.

Features & Benefits

Get projects headed in the right direction

Choose the project and program portfolios with the highest risk-adjusted returns, then properly predict all costs, schedules, and resource requirements. You may quickly change project combinations, assign the right individuals, and customize and scale the applications to your specifications.

Streamlining procedures and increasing efficiencies can help you complete projects faster, with higher quality, and at less cost. Collaboration in real-time and securely facilitates effort coordination and makes better conclusions.

Deliver projects on time and within budget

Assemble the best project portfolio

Consider possible projects, identify important risk issues, and analyze resource requirements, deadlines, funding, and cash flow using easy investigative tools. Use this research to carefully select the projects and programs with the highest return on investment.

End-to-end visibility for improved decision making

Oracle’s Primavera enterprise software, which is versatile, open-standards-based, and easily integrated, aids in the removal of technological hurdles. This integrated solution provides a single version of the truth for any project you work on.

Enable real-time collaboration

Productivity decreases when project teams cannot properly collaborate, and Primavera solutions assist in overcoming these challenges. EPPM Solutions enables end-to-end, real-time communication between local and global teams across the full value chain, increasing project productivity, timeliness, and budget commitments.

Improved agility in changing times

In a dynamic project environment, Primavera provides effective change management techniques and the project intelligence required to respond to change. Modify project plans, easily evaluate consequences to reduce risk, and understand the influence on KPIs, metrics, and financial data.

Keep the right projects on the right track

Primavera EPPM will keep your projects running smoothly by allowing you to evaluate the risks and rewards of your projects and ensuring that you build a portfolio that gives the most business value. EPPM solutions interact easily with other enterprise systems, allowing you to overcome the obstacles of working with fragmented processes that produce inconsistent and unpredictable results.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.